Find out why your candidates are withdrawing

Clearly understand the drivers that lead to your candidates not moving forward with their application.

A Starred dashboard into Candidate Experience of withdrawn candidates.

A made for recruitment feedback solution

Starred is used by recruitment teams around the world to give a voice to their Candidates, Recruiters and Hiring Managers.

After Interview
Uncover insights for withdrawn candidates who leave during the hiring process for a multitude of reasons, allowing you to reduce risk of withdrawal.
Rejecting an Offer
Ensure you’re securing the talent you want for your organization by analyzing data on why candidates do not accept your job offer, and whether there are any recurring trends.

Here's how you can stop your candidates from withdrawing

By collecting in-depth feedback from your withdrawn candidates, you can get to the bottom of why they are withdrawing.

Fully Customized Surveys 

Our surveys can be customized to ask exactly what you want. They are also sent automatically to candidates that withdraw or reject your offer so you can uncover trends that might occur, i,e. Long processes or low pay.

A Coca-Cola Candidate Experience survey.

The Best Response Rate

It’s hard to hear how your candidate actually feels if only 6% of them are responding, but with Starred on average we achieve a 30% response rate. Our smooth ATS integration means that we can send surveys to withdrawn candidates 1 day after, or a time that works for you.

The best response rates on the market for candidate experience surveys.

Understand why candidates withdraw 

It’s frustrating when candidates withdraw or do not accept a job offer, even more so when you don’t know why. With Starred, you can use your data to identify trends such as high withdrawal rate because of salary, or company culture. This data can be used to boost your offer acceptance rate and ensure you remain competitive.

A Starred dashboard card that shows the reason for candidates withdrawing.

Benchmark and Prioritize 

With Starred, you can easily benchmark where you sit with your competitors in regards to withdrawn candidates. In addition, you can drill down into what will help you overtake the benchmark with our easy to use priority matrix.

The Candidate Experience benchmark score for withdrawn candidates.

Hear from our customer Dropbox

"We have been able to more than double our candidate response rate through Starred and appreciate that the platform enables us to capture more nuanced feedback from our candidates."

Esther Chou
People Strategy & Operations
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