Your candidates are your customers

Protect your revenue by building a strong affinity with your Candidates

Candidate Experience impacts your revenue.

“Our Candidate Experience has improved across all candidates. If we connect these results to the data of the Virgin Media case, we can determine that we saved € 117,000 in 3.5 months. We can save up to half a million euros a year.”

Marco Leijenhorst
Senior Manager, Talent Resourcing
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Improving your Candidate Experience can help you to:

Protect your revenue streams

41% of candidates won’t buy from or recommend a company after a bad recruitment experience with them, meaning a poor experience en masse can have a huge financial impact on your organization.

Protect your revenue streams by making sure your candidates are happy and don't stop purchasing your products or services.

Create revenue saving efficiencies

Time is money. By automating Candidate Experience data collection, you can save time and money with more efficient and effective operations. You can easily discover weaknesses and opportunities in your processes, such as Recruiter Performance or Quality of Hire.

Working with Starred will save hours of your recruiters' time.

Damage control of detractors 

In a world where everything is shared online, it would be great to easily identify groups of candidates that have the highest risk to your revenue due to a poor experience, and ensure processes are put in place to mitigate risk of lost customers.

Cut your operational hours of collecting Candidate Experience data by automating survey sending.

Great Candidate Experience = New Customer?

By providing an exceptional Candidate Experience, you can build a strong brand affinity with candidates that can turn them into customers in the future. As the world shifts to human-centric companies, it’s a great opportunity to let that shine through. Your recruitment experience is your customer experience.

Candidate Experience is an opportunity for you to create brand ambassadors who in turn can become loyal customers.

"I'm very happy with our Priority Matrix and Starred is an excellent solution to make an internal narrative!"

Greta Dubauskaite
Head of Global Talent Ops
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We have everything you need to:

  • Measure and Analyze your Candidate Experience
  • Identify opportunities and efficiencies that can be made during the process
  • Identify areas of risk to revenue, such as large amounts of detractors
  • Easily identify detractors and turn them into promoters
  • Gain understanding of where your competitors are to keep up with competition
  • Set yourself apart from competitors so you can hire the right people to help you scale

There is even more!

See our product