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Starred Privacy Statement

Via the website and through the feedback-application of Starred B.V. (hereafter: Starred) privacy-sensitive information or personal data are being processed. This is done by Starred on request of their clients as well as for their own purposes. Starred consider handling personal data of the highest importance. As a result, personal data are processed carefully and securely. We comply with the obligations as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). That means among others:

  1. we clearly state with what purpose we process personal data. We do that in this Privacy Statement;
  2. we limit the collection of personal data to the personal data needed for legitimate purposes;
  3. we will ask you for explicit consent to process your personal data when explicit consent is required. Given consent can be withdrawn at all times, but not retroactively;
  4. we take the appropriate level of security measures to protect your personal data and demand the same from parties processing personal data on our request;
  5. we respect your right to access, rectification and erasure of your personal data on your request.

Starred act as processor of the personal data that are processed via and as processor of the personal data that are collected on the request of their clients via the Starred feedback-application. In this Privacy Statement we wish to set out which personal data we collect and use with what purpose. We advise you to read it carefully.

Use of personal data

As you use our service you will leave certain data with us. These could be personal data. We keep and use only personal data that you’ve provided directly, or when it’s clear they were left for processing by us when provided. We could use the following types of data for the purposes set out in this privacy statement:

  1. name and address data
  2. invoice address
  3. e-mail address
  4. payment data(profile) picture
  5. the way you navigate through our service
  6. statistics as to how you use the service

The legal grounds on which Starred processes your data as a processor is the execution of an agreement and consent. That happens for example when you visit our website when you accept our offer to use our service, and when you click on ‘accept’, when you’re asked for permission for the placement of cookies.

Contact form and newsletter

We offer a newsletter with which we want to keep those who are interested informed about our services. Your email address will be automatically added to our list of subscribers when you have applied for our services. Every newsletter will contain a link that allows you to unsubscribe. When you fill out a contact form on the website, or send us an email, the data that you provide will be kept as long as the nature of the form or content of your email requires for the complete response and handling of it. For this purpose we only collect your email address. We could contact you for commercial purposes via email. With each communication you’ll find an opportunity to unsubscribe.


To use our service you need to register first. After registration we will hold the personal data you shared via the username you signed up with. We collect the data so you don’t have to fill them in every time, and so that we can contact you regarding the execution of the agreement, invoicing and payment, and to provide an overview of the products and services you ordered.

We shall not transfer the personal data linked to your username to any third party unless it is necessary for the execution of the agreement with us, or if it is legally obliged. In case we suspect fraud or misuse of the Starred feedback-application we can transfer personal data to the authorities involved.

Transfer to third parties

We can transfer your data to our partners. These partners provide supporting services that are part of the execution of the agreement. These data are:

  1. your name and address
  2. your email address
  3. the way you navigate through our service
  4. statistics as to how you use the service

These partners are (also) located outside of the EU. They are however Privacy Shield certified or are compliant to the applicable privacy laws regarding transfer of data to third parties.


We shall make sure appropriate security measures are in place to mitigate the risk of abuse and unauthorized access to personal data.

Storage period

Personal data provided by you will be stored in the your account until the account is terminated or removed, unless the data need to be stored longer due to legal requirements. For example, payment data for tax authority purposes.

Personal data you share with us via contact forms or email will be kept as long as the nature of the form or content of your email requires for the complete response and handling of it.

Job applications

When you apply for a job at Starred the personal data provided by you will be kept for as long as needed to fully complete the application process. Thereafter your personal data will only be stored longer  if you’ve explicitly given your consent.

Third party websites

This statement is not applicable to third party websites connected with this website via a link. We cannot guarantee that these third parties deal with your personal data in a careful and secure fashion. We advise you to read their privacy statements before using their websites.

Changes to this privacy statement

We have the right to make changes to this statement. It is advised to read this statement regularly to stay informed of changes.

Exercise your rights

In case of any questions regarding our privacy policy or questions regarding access to, and rectification, or erasure of your personal data you can contact us at all times.

You can also file a request with us for a data export of al the data that we keep from you with your permission, or indicate with a motivation you want us to limit the processing of your personal data. Furthermore it is possible to object to particular ways of processing, like profiling.

To prevent abuse we will ask you for adequate identification. In case of access to personal data related to a cookie, we ask you to send us the relevant cookie. You can find this in the settings of your browser. In case data are not correct, you can request rectification or erasure of the data.

If you have a question or a complaint on how we deal with your data, feel free to contact us. You also have the right to file a complaint with your national Data Protection Authority.

Contact details

Starred B.V.

Wibautstraat 137-D

1097 DN Amsterdam

The Netherlands

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Last updated on:

September 24, 2024

Starred Privacy Statement


Via the website and through the feedback-application of Starred B.V. (hereafter: Starred) privacy-sensitive information or personal data are being processed. This is done by Starred on request of their clients as well as for their own purposes. Starred consider handling personal data of the highest importance. As a result, personal data are processed carefully and securely. We comply with the obligations as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). That means among others:

  1. we clearly state with what purpose we process personal data. We do that in this Privacy Statement;
  2. we limit the collection of personal data to the personal data needed for legitimate purposes;
  3. we will ask you for explicit consent to process your personal data when explicit consent is required. Given consent can be withdrawn at all times, but not retroactively;
  4. we take the appropriate level of security measures to protect your personal data and demand the same from parties processing personal data on our request;
  5. we respect your right to access, rectification and erasure of your personal data on your request.

Starred act as processor of the personal data that are processed via and as processor of the personal data that are collected on the request of their clients via the Starred feedback-application. In this Privacy Statement we wish to set out which personal data we collect and use with what purpose. We advise you to read it carefully.

Use of personal data

As you use our service you will leave certain data with us. These could be personal data. We keep and use only personal data that you’ve provided directly, or when it’s clear they were left for processing by us when provided. We could use the following types of data for the purposes set out in this privacy statement:

  1. name and address data
  2. invoice address
  3. e-mail address
  4. payment data(profile) picture
  5. the way you navigate through our service
  6. statistics as to how you use the service

The legal grounds on which Starred processes your data as a processor is the execution of an agreement and consent. That happens for example when you visit our website when you accept our offer to use our service, and when you click on ‘accept’, when you’re asked for permission for the placement of cookies.

Contact form and newsletter

We offer a newsletter with which we want to keep those who are interested informed about our services. Your email address will be automatically added to our list of subscribers when you have applied for our services. Every newsletter will contain a link that allows you to unsubscribe. When you fill out a contact form on the website, or send us an email, the data that you provide will be kept as long as the nature of the form or content of your email requires for the complete response and handling of it. For this purpose we only collect your email address. We could contact you for commercial purposes via email. With each communication you’ll find an opportunity to unsubscribe.


To use our service you need to register first. After registration we will hold the personal data you shared via the username you signed up with. We collect the data so you don’t have to fill them in every time, and so that we can contact you regarding the execution of the agreement, invoicing and payment, and to provide an overview of the products and services you ordered.

We shall not transfer the personal data linked to your username to any third party unless it is necessary for the execution of the agreement with us, or if it is legally obliged. In case we suspect fraud or misuse of the Starred feedback-application we can transfer personal data to the authorities involved.

Transfer to third parties

We can transfer your data to our partners. These partners provide supporting services that are part of the execution of the agreement. These data are:

  1. your name and address
  2. your email address
  3. the way you navigate through our service
  4. statistics as to how you use the service

These partners are (also) located outside of the EU. They are however Privacy Shield certified or are compliant to the applicable privacy laws regarding transfer of data to third parties.


We shall make sure appropriate security measures are in place to mitigate the risk of abuse and unauthorized access to personal data.

Storage period

Personal data provided by you will be stored in the your account until the account is terminated or removed, unless the data need to be stored longer due to legal requirements. For example, payment data for tax authority purposes.

Personal data you share with us via contact forms or email will be kept as long as the nature of the form or content of your email requires for the complete response and handling of it.

Job applications

When you apply for a job at Starred the personal data provided by you will be kept for as long as needed to fully complete the application process. Thereafter your personal data will only be stored longer  if you’ve explicitly given your consent.

Third party websites

This statement is not applicable to third party websites connected with this website via a link. We cannot guarantee that these third parties deal with your personal data in a careful and secure fashion. We advise you to read their privacy statements before using their websites.

Changes to this privacy statement

We have the right to make changes to this statement. It is advised to read this statement regularly to stay informed of changes.

Exercise your rights

In case of any questions regarding our privacy policy or questions regarding access to, and rectification, or erasure of your personal data you can contact us at all times.

You can also file a request with us for a data export of al the data that we keep from you with your permission, or indicate with a motivation you want us to limit the processing of your personal data. Furthermore it is possible to object to particular ways of processing, like profiling.

To prevent abuse we will ask you for adequate identification. In case of access to personal data related to a cookie, we ask you to send us the relevant cookie. You can find this in the settings of your browser. In case data are not correct, you can request rectification or erasure of the data.

If you have a question or a complaint on how we deal with your data, feel free to contact us. You also have the right to file a complaint with your national Data Protection Authority.

Contact details

Starred B.V.

Wibautstraat 137-D

1097 DN Amsterdam

The Netherlands