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Building your workplace culture & good virtual onboarding

In the previous episode, we touched upon pre-hiring topics. On the contrary, this episode will address the post-hire concerns: workplace culture and virtual onboarding. Have fun watching the video below! Don’t forget you have a copy attached also, so you can read it whenever you feel like.


Hi there! I hope you’re doing ok, friend. Today we’ll be talking about how to build the culture you want, and also about onboarding… while remote. Ready, steady, go! Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career!

Let’s check out the first article I picked.

Building the Workplace Culture You Want

Workplace culture is a widely-discussed theme. We’ve read a Kedma Ough article on the three main steps to building the one you want.

Step number one is Train for unicorn employees! While we know that recruiting star performers is vital, you should always do your best to train your current talent & elevate their abilities. The areas to focus on?

  • Effective communication and conflict management
  • Skill building, individual responsibilities and career plan
  • Alignment to corporate objectives and applying shared principles
  • Leadership-skills development, based on establishing trust and rapport

Point number two: Reassess and then reaffirm your corporate values. Your company values should be clear to everyone and applied every single day. Incorporate these values in daily circumstances to make sure that behavior and values won’t diverge.

Three: Aligning to different communication styles. Lots of personality-assessment methods out there… But you shouldn’t just use them to select talent. They’re also useful when it comes to engaging with your employees and helping them grow their interpersonal skills, too.

Now, onto our second piece of content.

Creating a Virtual Employee Onboarding Program

Give me a W give me an F give me an H! WFH team!!! Should I quit my job and become a cheerleader? Probably not today…

Work from home is a reality that’s touched almost all of us, and with it come new challenges. We’ve read 8 Steps to Creating a Virtual Employee Onboarding Program. What did we learn?

  • Reconsider your onboarding schedule. Does it align with your intent?
  • You can never overcommunicate. Cover the practical, and the social.
  • Get technology into the hands of new employees as quickly as possible, and help them set everything up. You can even remotely install programs for them.
  • Emphasize your company’s culture and values. Bad culture? 70% of people will leave you, even if you’re a leading company. 71%, though, will take a pay cut to work for a company that shares their values and has a mission they believe in.
  • Use breakout rooms, work with a partner who focuses on managing the technology and do hourly energy checks.
  • Help new hires connect with one another. Create LinkedIn groups for them, organize random one-on-one coffee breaks with existing employees and new team members… & all that jazz.
  • Emphasize the role of the hiring manager and a designated buddy.
  • Never stop learning. Continuous qualitative feedback helps you understand your areas of improvement. And once you know what to do, act on it quickly.

Ontooo theeeee

CandE Crash

You know it! You can’t mistreat your candidates and expect their reviews on your Glassdoor page to be all sunshine and roses. Puzzling and sad are words I’d use to describe the review I’ve dug out for you today.

Shoutout to a company I won’t name. Having a face-to-face interview with you resulted in a terrible experience. Their feeling is that one should either have worked for a specific big-deal tech company of your preference or belong to a specific ethnicity to get to work for you. Not only are you wildly limiting your options in terms of previous employers but… Any form of discrimination is so 1921! On top of that, no technical questions were asked at all – only STAR behavioral interview queries.

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

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