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How the pandemic changed us & how to prevent your talent’s burnout

Below we kindly provide you with our thirty third episode of The Tea On Recruiting and its transcript. This episode lists out the impact of pandemic on workplace and ways to prevent employee’s burnout. Have a good time reading and watching!


New Normal? Is that the name of an indie band? Today we’ll talk about how the pandemic changed us and share 5 ways recruiters can prevent their talent’s remote work burnout.

Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career! Here’s today’s first piece of content!

How Pandemic Changed Us And What It Means For The Workplace

It looks like we’ll slowly go back to normal – right, but what is ‘normal’ now? We’ve read “Three Ways The Pandemic Changed Us And What It Means For The Workplace”:

  • The myth of our invincibility disappeared. The importance of trust intensified. We desire more transparent, ethical and reliable organizations.
  • Purpose and values moved to the foreground.
  • Priorities shifted. The companies that did well were those that were flexible and empowering their employees. According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, companies with superior processes for managing time, talent, and energy before the crisis were much more productive during the pandemic than the rest.

How can organizations build on the changes?

  • Build Trust Through Real Transparency. Many companies committing to transparency still hide too much information from their employees.
  • Connect Employees’ Work to a Clear Company Purpose.
  • Enable a Culture Respecting Personal Priorities by engaging employees in the process of rebuilding the culture.

And now, are you ready for our second article?

Prevent Your Talent’s Remote Work Burnout

How can you, as a recruiter, try and spare your talent a remote work burnout? We’ve written “Recruiters, Prevent Your Talent’s Remote Work Burnout 5 Ways”, and here’s what you need to know.

1. Set Clear Expectations About Roles & Responsibilities. Remote recruiters should draft simplified Key Result Areas for the role along with the managers.

2. Allow Flexibility In Working Hours, But Create Strict Protocols. Communicate clearly on attendance and availability for important meetings.

3. Simplify Accountability & Task Management Processes.

4. Create Efficient & Interactive Training Modules so your new joiners don’t blame themselves for their mistakes or inability to understand task descriptions.

5. Help Workforce Manage Fatigue & Anxiety with group meditation and mindfulness sessions mental health support groups adding professional expertise to support employees in times of need encouraging team members to take breaks between tasks as well as physical fitness and outdoor time.

Now onto the…

CandE Crash

The more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their Glassdoor reviews on your company page.

Shoutout to a company we won’t name. Let’s see what they wrote about you:

“Terrible, I was invited to the selection process; I sent all the documents through their form. Weeks later I received an email, thanking and saying that I didn’t have a profile. I wasn’t even interviewed in person, not to mention the disorganization, they sent me 4(four) times the same invitation.”

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

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