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On helping your talent & their significant others relocate

Relocation is no longer a worrisome for your talent anymore, with your help! We will address this issue in our episode twenty eight of The Tea on Recruiting today. Some of you might have heard of it, for new joiners: The Tea on Recruiting is our bi-weekly video series for recruiters, where we discuss varied topics around hiring and recruiting. Below is the video of episode twenty eight and its transcript. We hope it inspires you!


Hey there, thanks for coming over and helping me move. Just go ahead and take any box. Psyke. I’m not going anywhere – but we will talk about relocation practices!!! And by the way, thank you, Jose’ Arteaga for inspiring this episode.

Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career! Here’s today’s first piece of content!

7 Relocation Management Strategies

The star talent you want and need is very possibly out-of-state, and that means one thing: it’s time to work on your relocation support programs.

We read the article “7 Relocation Management Strategies”, and these are the main things you could do for your relocating talent:

  • Help them rent out or sell their current properties
  • Provide financial support for removal or transfer of furniture or provide extra storage space
  • Provide temporary accommodation at the start of the assignment or put them in touch with a real estate agent
  • Help with choosing a school for relocating children by sharing background information and perhaps even planning a trip prior to the start of the new role
  • Provide a relocation allowance
  • Offer additional support for international relocation such as: helping them with their visa or work permit application, setting up their bank accounts, giving them access to local and municipal services, setting up utilities, getting a new driver’s licence, providing ongoing support to help cultural adjustments in the new country

We listed 6 pointers instead of 7 – that’s because we’ll dive deeper into the one we omitted in the next section.

And now, are you ready for our second article?

Support For Relocating Partners

Why is helping your talent’s partners relocating important and how can you do it? We read “How support for relocating partners can deliver successful mobility” and discovered just that. Here are some stats: 97% of mobile employees say they actively involve their significant others in the discussions prior to accepting an assignment. 33% employers have increased the job performance of their assignees through offering partner support. 62% use this support to encourage talent to accept international transfers. 20% of the organizations that offer it do so to add to their image of being an employer of choice. How is support offered? Through:

  • Language training
  • Intercultural training
  • Career and job search support
  • Work permit support
  • Acclimation integration support
  • Education allowance
  • Cash allowance

We hope this inspires you! Now onto the…

CandE Crash

The more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their Glassdoor reviews on your company page.

Shoutout to a company we won’t name. We will read this review though, hold your breath.

“I applied through an employee referral. The process took 12 months. I interviews at XX in September 2016.”

A whole year? Is it the application process for becoming the President of the United States of America? No! It’s the application process for Sales Representative. Does it require crazy rocket engineering and alien language skills? How?! What?! A year?! Nobody’s got time for that.

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

About that, we want to thank Jose’ Arteaga once more for inspiring this episode, and tell you that your suggestions are equally welcome! If you have any idea on themes we should approach or dive deeper into, let us know! You can reach out to me on LinkedIn, where you’ll find me as Elena Galli.

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