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On understanding what benefits to offer your candidates

You’ll be able to find episode twenty one of The Tea on Recruiting, our bi-weekly video series for recruiters. On top of this, we are happy to provide you with a detailed transcript of the episode below. Happy reading!


Today we’ll read your candidates’ minds – what do they want? what do they fear? You’ll find out in this first lesson of Clairvoyance for Recruiters. Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career!

Let’s check out the first article I picked.

Here’s What Motivates Your Candidates in 2021

We always say it’s fundamental for you to attract STAR talent – so then, it’s important to know what matters to them. As times changed, so did the priorities of the top-notch candidates you want to attract. We read “Here’s What Motivates Your Candidates in 2021”. In this piece, David Morel, the CEO of Recruitment Tiger, shared these pointers after leading their Salary and Benefits Review for 2021.

When it comes to priorities, these are the main ones for candidates right now: Securing a competitive salary , Job security, Work-life balance, Flexible working

Here are your candidates’ anxieties:

  • Their career. Prepare to answer questions about personal development and career progression, regardless of the role.
  • The office culture. Take extra steps to foster a positive working environment.

Their desired benefits? For these, you want to follow a tailored approach. It could consist of encouraging flexible hours for those with caring responsibilities or organizing private transport to prevent commuting, but the best examples they’ve seen over at Recruitment Tiger are: ergonomic workplace equipment for home working, access to mental health support, and subsidized health-related subscriptions.

Are you ready for our second article?

Adapting employee benefits for a remote world

Different article, similar theme. Here’s what we learned from reading Adapting employee benefits for a remote world. Here are some things you should consider when figuring out what to leverage to make those awesome candidates apply.

Since March 2020, of the surveyed employees admitted to not always being sober during working hours. Therefore, it’s important to offer benefits addressing the mind-body connection. Holistic is the keyword while thinking about solutions. Here are some ideas:

  • You can change your policies around time off from “sick days” to “personal days” and offer additional paid leave.
  • You can also offer mental wellbeing benefits such as lunch and learn sessions on coping with behavioral health issues, resilience training, and more.
  • Financial planning is important too – Offer support to help people figure out their money.
  • But you know what’s the most important thing of all? Make it evident to your candidates that your business values two-way communication. They’ll appreciate knowing that you make employee-centric decisions, and adopt a tailored approach.

Now onto the…

CandE Crash

The more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their posts about you. Are you ready for this joke that someone called a “job posting”?  Wait – what I am about to read is not about a job vacancy, but for an internship:

“What’s in for you? Spend a full year building your own product, in a team of up to 4, alongside 30+ other companies and teams, supported by experienced mentors.

What do we want? We want candidates who aren’t afraid to do things differently. You need to be prepared for one of the hardest challenges you’ll ever face, and ready to embark on a life-changing adventure. Ideally, you will have 5 years plus experience in the workplace prior to joining us. You will be Degree, Mastered, or PhD educated, we want candidates with the ambition, drive, vision, and commitment to solve problems and create a lasting, sustainable impact.

You need the practical skills to adapt and learn. English, Music, Maths, IT, Finance, Economics, Arts, etc. You all have something to bring with you to contribute to a team and bring ideas to life.”

Oh, and the intern should be able to juggle too. Needless for me to say, walking a tightrope is also a vital skill.

What is this? Is it a joke because I really hope so. But concerning what certain companies are asking on their job vacancy post for internships, I’m not sure whether the joke is this or the person who wrote it.

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

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