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Rekindle your passion for work & be a compassionate leader!

Losing your passion for work? Finding it hard to become a compassionate leader? We’ve got your back! This week, we’ll address these topics in the video below. In case you miss out anything from the video, we have a transcript attached below as well. We hope you’ll enjoy them!


Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Some say that it’s a commercial holiday. Well, I’ll take any chance I get to celebrate love in its every shape or form. So, shall we begin? Today we’ll be talking about compassionate leadership and how to re-ignite your passion for your work. Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career!

Let’s check out the first article I picked.

Fostering Compassion at Work Through Compassionate Leadership

In Arthur’s (Schopenhauer) words, “Compassion is the basis of all morality.” Compassion means co-suffering. It means you empathize with others and their issues, you love and care for them, and selflessly help them when they’re in need. We’ve read “How to Foster Compassion at Work Through Compassionate Leadership.” What did we learn?

Compassionate leadership leads to: less stress, higher job satisfaction, more loyalty and dedication, stronger employee engagement.

How do you incorporate it? Here’s your checklist:

  • Self-compassion. You can use daily positive affirmations like “I am worth it”.
  • Encourage open and clear communication. Listen with neutrality. And patience.
  • When appropriate and when you have consent, gentle physical contact can help (like a pat on the back).
  • Constantly support and cheer others for their hard work and achievements.
  • Initiate. Provide personal support, exchange feedback, express your opinions.
  • Be thoughtful. The way your words might affect your colleagues, subordinates, or clients, should be your main concern.

Now, let’s check out the second piece of content I’ve picked!

Reawakening Your Passion for Work

Just like for older, romantic couples, passion can fade in your professional life too. We’ve read the Harvard Business Review article “Reawakening Your Passion for Work” and here are our notes.

So, if that happens that your passion for work fades, what can you do? Don’t panic! It’s a common problem. And here are the steps this HBR piece advises you to take:

  • Take some time off. Ever heard of sabbaticals? These let you reassess your career or devote more time to your personal life to find your balance again.
  • Find a program, a coach, or create reflective structures. By that, we mean regularly cutting time and space for self-examination or perhaps joininig a group of peers, like a CEO group, if you’re one, so as to benefit from informed and honest feedback.
  • Find new meaning in familiar territory. Changing your professional direction is a major move. Many people are glad with smaller adjustments so that what they do reflects their beliefs and values more than it did before. Figure out what you can change, do it, and then deal with the system.

Ontooo theeeee

CandE Crash

CandE Crash? More like CandE Crush. We always say, the more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their reviews on your Glassdoor page! But it doesn’t always have to go wrong, does it?

And if the today’s theme is love in its every form, how to ignore the purest one of all? A parent’s love for their child. You might remember coming across this Carlie Bush’ post. During a video interview with a candidate, the job applicant’s baby woke up and crawled under the chair. Instead of ignoring it, Carlie decided to acknowledge the situation and invited the candidate to tend to the baby. This simple act of kindness broke the internet! Or, at least, LinkedIn.

Among the comments, one said: “When I was job hunting, I was interviewed by 2 companies one day apart. One company offered me an attractive salary and asked me if I’m going to have kids hanging off my arm when we have video meetings’. The other company offered me a salary that was a touch lower than the first and smiled when they got a glimpse of my baby when she woke up mid-interview and told me I can tend to her if needed. Guess which company I chose. In a world where you can be anything, be kind and understanding.”

Hope this made your heart feel a little warm.

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