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By now, you’ve probably heard of Candidate Experience and why it’s so important to start measuring it within your organization. Let's go one step further. If you're reading this, you might have heard of the Starred and Greenhouse Candidate Experience Feedback integration. Starred is the Greenhouse Customer-Preferred Partner for measuring Candidate Experience. In case you want a refresher, watch this on-demand demo webinar of the integration.

What you might be wondering is “What does it look like to set up the Starred and Greenhouse Candidate Experience feedback process within my organization?”
In this article, we will take you through all the necessary steps of our onboarding process for implementing the Starred Candidate Experience feedback solution automated with Greenhouse. This way, you’ll know what you’re getting into and will have no surprises!

We promise to get you live with 2 feedback touchpoints within the month. In order to get there, these are the steps in the onboarding process: 

Week 1: Kick-off + setting up your Starred account

The first thing we do during our onboarding process is to hold a kick-off meeting with the main users and stakeholders. During this kick-off meeting, we discuss first of all your goals for Candidate Experience in general, and then we get into your more specific feedback goals. We determine the process you want to follow when asking for feedback: this means going over your Greenhouse candidate stages and determining what would be the best time to send candidates or hiring managers a survey about their experience. We also do a short platform training, so that you have all the tools you need to get started. You will get a comprehensive checklist with all the tasks to be completed each week before going live. For the first week, this means setting up your Starred account and organizing all settings and users as needed.

Week 2: Determining questions + connecting to Greenhouse

Week 2 of our onboarding process is all about getting your questions ready and creating your surveys in Starred. Going back to the kick-off document and the goals we determined in week 1 will help you make sure that you ask the right questions. Of course, you can always use our template gallery with a variety of best practice surveys for lots of different situations. During the same week, you should also connect your Starred and Greenhouse accounts, for which you need a Greenhouse admin user account. The connection takes about 5 minutes to complete and is super easy to follow through, once you watch our video tutorial.

Week 3: Setting up workflows + testing

Your surveys are ready, you’ve connected Greenhouse and Starred, now it’s time to build your workflows. A workflow consists of the combination of a trigger and an action. For example, a trigger could be the instance in which the candidates are rejected at the interview stage, and the corresponding action could be to send a “Rejected at Interview Stage” survey from Starred their way. Once you enable this, each time a candidate is rejected at the interview stage, they will get the correct survey from Starred, without you having to do anything. It’s good to do a few tests before enabling it, to make sure everything is set up correctly.

Week 4: Go-Live!

Once you’ve created your workflows, ran some tests and made sure everything looks good, your onboarding process is almost complete: it’s time to go live with feedback. Receiving the first answers from your candidates is always exciting - and sometimes it can be a little scary too. Our Customer Success team will help you with interpreting your results and guiding you in setting up a good process for acting on feedback during the following couple of weeks.

Below, you’ll find a few words that a recently onboarded customer shared about his experience:

What our customers say about our onboarding process
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