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STOP hiring nice people! Surround yourself with these 6 colleagues

This episode is about your colleagues. After you watch the video below, ask yourself if you’re surrounding with these great types of colleagues. If yes then lucky you, your team is on the right track! If not, you could take these tips and advice for your hiring process in the future. We hope you’ll like this episode!


Today we’ll tell you who you need on your team and then share how to hire good people. Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career!

Let’s check out the first article I picked.

6 Colleagues You Must Have In Your Network

Teamwork makes the dream work! But who are those people you should always have in your corner? Who are your Avengers? We’ve read “Want To Love Your Work? These Are The 6 Colleagues You Must Have In Your Network”. Here’s what it taught us!

The first type of colleague you need is The Critic. And no, we don’t mean someone negative, but that one person you can rely on for constructive criticism and honest feedback. That colleague who’d tell you about your figurative spinach in your teeth.

Then, you need The Cheerleader. This is that colleague who’ll motivate you to see the rainbows ahead. They believe in you. They boost your confidence. They make you smile. “Honey, don’t worry! You’re great. You’re awesome. You’re spectacular. You’re unique. You’re going to crush this presentation. And don’t worry, I brought this Palo Santo. No negative energy allowed. OK?”

Then… The Foil. This colleague is your opposite. You see the big picture? They’re great at planning out the details. You’re a planner? They’re spontaneous.

The Safe-Haven Colleague. This colleague is the one you should go to when you’re down and need advice. You can trust them and rely on them.

The Lifer. They knew you when you’d just joined the company. In other words, you’ve seen each other through it all. The lifer gives you a sense of continuity and reminds you of how far you’ve come.

Finally, the Distance Colleague. And no, we don’t mean a stalker. We mean someone in your extended network. Someone who can see things from a fresh perspective.

Ideally, you have at least these 6 types of colleagues to support you. Some people will be an overlap of more of these archetypes. Naturally, there are more types of people who could truly help you along your journey. For instance, you could benefit from having a Senior leader, or an IT guru among your work friends. And let’s not forget: they deserve your acknowledgment. So why don’t you share this video with them or tag them in the comment section below? Let them know how grateful you are for their support.

Now, let’s check out the second piece of content I’ve picked!

Hiring good people instead of nice people

Don’t you wish you’d hire more good people? And, instead, you hire people you like, which gets you nice people… We read Brooke Allen’s Quartz piece on the matter. He wrote, “Nice people care if you like them; good people care about you.” So, keep on watching if you’d like to avoid hiring Patrick Bateman. Again. Cut-throat high-achiever by day, throat-cutting psychotic serial killer by night. Not my cup of tea… Murderous fictional characters aside, we can all agree that unlikeable and bad aren’t the same thing, but then how do we go on hiring good people?

Brooke had his own method for it. “Rather than ask people to send resumes and formulaic cover letters, I ask for thoughts and questions.”, he wrote. Once he identified everyone who might be appropriate for the role, he invited them all for an open-house with pizza and soda, and he’d start off by sharing his rules, which I’ll summarize like so:

  • Your candidates must have a good heart and a giving personality.
  • Don’t hire anyone until you both understand and care about each other. This ensures that you’ll both carefully evaluate if you’re a good fit.
  • Be honest and demand the same.
    Your candidates must share their dreams with you. If they don’t have any it’s fine as long as they really want one.
  • Don’t make an offer until you have at least 3 people you’d hire. The candidates can help find them. There’ll be a surplus of people you care about but can’t employ, so commit to finding them employment too, and ask the candidate who gets the job to help with it.
  • If your candidate doesn’t have a requisite skill, they’re given the chance to get up to speed before the hiring decision is made.
  • “If someone is “overqualified” for the position, I will try to find them a better job elsewhere rather than pay less than I should.”

And it worked very well for Brooke. In the article, you can find all sorts of examples of how this proved to be a successful method for them.

Now onto the…

CandE Crash

The more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their reviews on your Glassdoor page!

Shoutout to a company I won’t name. So, a little birdy wrote that they had an interview with you, you never got back to them, and they heard it through the grapevine that for most jobs you post, you already have an internal candidate in mind. Because you need to post the job externally to be able to promote them internally. But why?! Why on God’s Green Earth?

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

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