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As you might know, Candidate Experience (CandE) represents the likelihood that your candidates will recommend you to their network.

It has become one of the most talked-about topics in the HR space, for which you'll be able to find some interesting information in the article Candidate Experience: All the Stats, Facts, and Data You'll Ever Need to Know. Working with over 500 agencies and in-house recruiters in the last year alone has shown us that there is a severe need for a Candidate Experience solution in the marketplace.

The benefits of a great CandE have been researched and evaluated; some highlights include:

  • Understanding if the application process is streamlined to ensure that you don’t lose valuable candidates.
  • Deriving insight from your candidates’ feedback on how to continuously improve the interview process.
  • Understanding if the agencies and recruiters you’ve hired to represent your company are meeting your standards.
  • Ensuring that your brand and values are well-represented throughout the recruitment process. Because your candidate might also be your customer, and a bad CX can have a direct impact on your revenue.

While everyone confirms that CandE is essential, not everyone has started measuring and improving it yet.

At Starred, we believe that feedback is a game-changer in providing great CandE. You can see why we think so by reading the article Why Feedback is the Gamechanger in Building a Great Candidate Journey. However, how can we make it more accessible? How do we remove that barrier that prevents some recruiters from getting started?

Our research led us to a complete redesign and update of our Template Gallery. As a first step, we broke down CandE into the crucial stages for agencies, in-house recruiters, and candidates:

  • Application
  • Acceptance
  • Rejection
  • Interview(s)
  • Acceptance
  • Rejection
  • Events
  • Placement
  • People
  • Agency Feedback
  • Manager Feedback
  • Candidate Feedback

Then, we looked at the industry’s best practices. How are our existing clients using Starred? We decided to create standardized templates to inspire them when implementing CandE.

Now the Template Gallery offers over 15 models for Candidate Experience - a curated list of surveys that provide a starting point towards creating a great CandE feedback process.

The new Template Gallery provides you with a seamless way to use Starred and get a pulse on your CandE, while also contributing an excellent user experience.

The template details pages align with our product focus to show value right away and provide an intuitive experience for the user. The details outline the best practices, the number of questions, and the average time to complete the survey.  

We believe that this data makes choosing a template much more straightforward! This is actionable data that makes it even easier to get a CandE feedback program off the ground.

Combined with Starred Connect, CandE can be fully automated to make sure that the right survey gets to the right candidate at the right time.

This process makes sure that you always have the pulse of the recruitment process.

At Starred, we know that feedback can revolutionize your approach to creating a fantastic Candidate Experience.

We hope the Template Gallery inspires you to start thinking about your own CandE.

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