Starred x Talenthub

We're incredibly excited to announce our merger with Talenthub, a fellow Candidate Experience Analytics platform. Our shared goal is to create the global industry leader, democratize candidate-centric solutions and make the experience hiring and getting hired more enjoyable.

Why merge?

We believe that a larger organization will allow us to provide a wider array of services with more depth, and will clearly position the new company as a global leader in Candidate Experience.

Lars van Wieren and Daniel Birkholm

Lars van Wieren (left), CEO of Starred, and Daniel Birkholm (right), CEO of Talenthub

In many ways, Starred and Talenthub are a natural fit. We’re both committed to the same goals, we share a similar culture, and our teams and visions are highly complementary. Talenthub has continuously impressed us over the years, and we’re confident that our merger will help us revolutionize both Candidate Experience and recruitment in the coming years. By combining our strengths we believe that we can defy the odds and make 1 + 1 = 5.

Why 1 + 1 = 5

We firmly believe that together we can surpass the sum of our parts and create a company that not only provides the best Candidate Experience solutions possible to our clients, but also continues to establish candidate-centric recruitment as the norm for companies and candidates alike. In our long-term vision, Starred and Talenthub are both equal halves of the winning puzzle.

"Our teams, products, and visions are highly complementary. Merging allows us to bring the best of both worlds to the table, strengthen our existing offerings, and pursue our shared vision of candidate-centric recruitment."

Lars van Wieren
Co-founder and CEO
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Who is Talenthub?
Why are you merging?
What does this mean for Candidate Experience Analytics?
Will you continue to have two feedback platforms?
What's happening to the brands?
What's the plan for the future?
Where will the offices be located?
I still have questions, where can I ask them?

FAQ for Customers and Partners

What do I get out of this merger?
Are you building a new product?
Will my package change?
Do I still have access to the same data?
What can we expect in the coming months?
I'm an ATS partner, how will our collaboration change?