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On new research against gender segregation & keeping talent warm

Hello! We are happy to have you here with us, on episode thirty of The Tea on Recruiting, our bi-weekly video series for recruiters. Today, we’ll approach a global recruiting topic: gender segregation. Besides that, we’d love to give you some advice on how to keep your talent involved and pleased during hiring process. You could simply view the video below in just one click! In case you are interested in the content in details, we have a written version for you as well, just right below the video. Enjoy exploring!


“Hey Elena! Hey! Do you want coffee?

“No thanks, I’ll stick to the original – The Tea On Recruiting, the one and only.”

Hi there! Today we’ll talk about a new discovery that can help reduce gender segregation in the workplace and share ways in which you can keep your candidates warm during the recruiting process.

Welcome back to the Tea on Recruiting, where we share insightful and thought-provoking content that can help you shape your recruiting career! Here’s today’s first piece of content!

How Network-Based Recruitment Can Reduce Gender Segregation

We recently stumbled upon a new research by ESADE and Linkoping university that will rock your socks off. We read “The Trojan-Horse Mechanism: How Network-Based Recruitment Can Reduce Gender Segregation” – this is what we learned.

We used to think that labor markets were likely to become more segregated because individuals with similar characteristics tend to agglomerate at certain workplaces. But previous research had overlooked the importance of restricted opportunities.

The Trojan-horse mechanism predicts that: when an individual leaves a workplace in which they’re in a minority,  they’re likely to be followed by majority-group individuals. This implies that an initially segregating move can set in motion a chain of desegregating moves.

Recruiters who want to increase diversity or change the gender balance of the workforce should pay attention not only to the gender of the recruited individual, but also to the gender composition of the workplace from which the individual is recruited

And now, are you ready for our second article?

How to Keep Candidates Warm During the Recruiting Process

As a recruiter, you know better than anyone what a headache it can be to keep candidates warm. We read an article about it – here’s the tea.

You’re probably familiar with the dread of having several candidates in your funnel and not knowing how to handle communication when they’re waiting for feedback. You may tell them that you’ll reach out when you’ve got news, but that’s not good enough.

Set up reminders to communicate with the candidate in the post-interview stage, even when you have no news. In fact, especially then, in those days in which chasing down the hiring managers to hear what they think of the candidates, feels pointless.

The article shares an email sample you could use. Let’s read it:

“Dear [X],

I hope your week is going well! I wanted to check in and let you know that I’m still gathering feedback after your interview with the search committee.

I may take a few more days to hear from all of the search committee members, and I didn’t want you to think that I had forgotten about you.

You may have questions for me, and I hope you’ll let me know if that is the case. I will be in touch as soon as the search committee’s feedback is complete, but I’m always happy to answer your questions in the meantime!

Thanks and have an outstanding day!


Now onto the…

CandE Crash

The more barbaric your treatment of candidates, the more demonic their Glassdoor reviews on your company page.

Shoutout to a company we won’t name. Let’s read this:

“Horrible, it was all automated. First, during the application process online, they made me complete a personality test that took over 40 minutes. One week later I got contacted to do a video interview. I had to dress up and answer questions and was not given enough time to think to answer them as I was being recorded. There was practice questions, but none of them were actually the real ones.

I have an MBA, 15 years of sales experience and extensive experience selling jewelery and appraising high end jewelery. I was not even given the opportunity to have a face to face interview.”

This was pre-COVID. You could at least have given this candidate a chance to meet you face-to-face! One last thing is the interview question that they listed: “Please tell me a time when you had to ask another question to get the answer to another question that you had asked and did not get the answer you wanted.”

Got something to say about this? Drop a comment below, we’d love to pick your brains. Help us get better at helping you get better: with your help!

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